What a B2B marketer can learn from a B2C marketer [INFOGRAPHIC]
By Alistair Norman

What a B2B marketer can learn from a B2C marketer [INFOGRAPHIC]

Identify the modern marketing lessons you can learn from B2C marketers and how you can use them to improve your B2B marketing strategy.

what-a-b2b-marketer-can-learn-560x400Business to Consumer (B2C) marketers have long understood the importance and value of understanding the customer perspective. In contrast, business to business (B2B) marketers have traditionally focused their messages more around their product and service offerings. However, modern marketing is seeing the techniques used by B2B and B2C marketers move ever closer with both sides realising the significance of:

  • understanding the buyer decision making journey
  • directly addressing the ‘pain points’ that the target audience are facing
  • nurturing the relationship with potential customers through multiple on- and offline touch points with their brand.

In this infographic we examine the important lessons that B2B marketers can learn from their B2C counterparts.

You will learn the:

  • similarities of marketing to individuals, and companies
  • difference between contacting and attracting leads in modern marketing
  • value in shaping products and services around potential customers’ needs.


Discover why else you need to update your B2B marketing methods by downloading: How to Create a Conversation Audit to Drive B2B Marketing Success

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